Metal Roof Flashings

Ridge Cap, Slip, External Corner,  Abutment

Quote and Consulting

Flashing is a tool that is often used to seal facades and walls of buildings and roof structures. This tool can be produced from various types of oil, black, galvanized and colored galvanized sheets in desired thicknesses according to the goals of the designer, the flashing design and profile, and its function and performance.


Technical data

Type U 45 90 110
Dimensions 2x2 - 15x15 mm 2x2 - 15x15 mm 2x2 - 15x15 mm 2x2 - 15x15 mm
Thikness 0.45 - 0.6 mm 0.45 - 0.6 mm 0.45 - 0.6 mm 0.45 - 0.6 mm
Max. Lenght 3 m 3 m 3 m 3 m

Empire design Flshing

The Empire design, which is inspired by ancient Roman architecture, is suitable for covering and creating a Roman facade and is used and chosen by architectural designers and engineers in the facades of villas, houses, office buildings, corridors, etc.


  • High quality sheet
  • Unique beauty
  • In a variety of colors
  • Immediate work progress
  • Having a long life


In the exterior and interior of halls, buildings and condos for beautification


Technical data

Max. Lenght 3 m
Thikness 0.45 - 0.60 mm

Rigde Cap

According to the needs of the designers and builders of the construction industry, long tapestry is produced and supplied in different lengths and various colors and custom forms suitable for covering the work of specific parts of the building.


  • In the outer and inner corners of the building and hall
    on the slope of the sides of the sloping halls


  • Easy and convenient transportation
  • Quick and easy installation
  • Different dimensions and colors
  • Having a long life


Technical data

Dimensions 20x20 30x30
Max. Lenght 3.0 m 3.0 m
Thikness 0.45 - 0.60 mm 0.45 - 0.60 mm

Call for advice


Flashing can be divided into two general categories: gable facade (roof facade) and cornice (window and roof flashing). Usually, in order to use flashing in the attic roofs, this tool is welded (or riveted) on the last profile of the attic structure and is placed under the attic sheets. According to the type of truss and gable structure and the useful height expected from the gable facade, and also according to the type of facade, it can be produced in various sizes and designs.

Nowadays, various types of sandwich panels for roof, wall, etc. are used in buildings, but the important point is that the distance between the seams of these products has an inappropriate effect. For this reason, they use sheets called flashing facade to cover these seams. These sheets are installed at the junction of walls and ceilings and hide the seam between them. Due to the difference between sandwich panels and their different applications, there are also different types of flashings.