Refrigerator Containers

What is a Refrigerator Container?

Refrigerator Container is a container which is placed on the frame of different types of vehicles like trailers, trucks and pickup trucks. These containers have insulated walls and a refrigeration system to keep the temperature inside the container at a suitable temperature for transportation of perishable foods.

By the time that process of food production was industrialized, there was a need for transportation of the food to long distances.

What are the characteristics of a Refrigerator Container?

A good Refrigerator Container should be light, Insulate and stable. It should be completely insulated; this means that no air should enter or exit the container. Dimensions of these containers depend on the type of the frame of the vehicle and needs of the customers.

What are the suitable material for construction of the Refrigerator Containers?

According to the characteristics specified above, sandwich panels are light, insulate and stable which makes them a suitable choice for the construction of the Refrigerator Containers. Refrigerator Container is made of two sided pre dyed sheets with poly urethane as its insulator. Poly urethane is the best choice for the insulator because it’s light and the sheets provide the necessary strength for the transportation.

What are different types of the Refrigerator Containers?

Refrigerator Containers are modified according to their frame and usage. For example they can be used for sea and ground transportation. Refrigerator Containers, the trucks and pick-up trucks will have different structure because of their difference in frame type of the vehicle and the needs of the customer.

what are the other equipment that Refrigerator Containers have?

In the past the Refrigerator Containers were set to a specified temperature; considering that for different types of the foods different temperatures are needed, some other equipment were added to these containers to be enable to control the temperature. Different types of the Refrigerator Containers have a thermometer inside cabin of the driver and an on off button which has the capability to control and set the temperature inside the refrigerator. Also these containers should have lighting system which enables them to be used in dark places, the air vent and a hook for the meat .

What are different parameters that affect the final price of a refrigerator container?

Price of a refrigerator container generally depends on the quality of the materials used to construct them, density of the insulator used inside the core, materials of the covering sheets and thickness of the covering sheet are some other parameters that effect the final price of the refrigerator containers.

Used panels are also available in the market which have lower price but they can cause problems like: difficulty in installation, hygienic problems and in-appropriate look. It’s better to be sure about the quality of the materials used for the panels.